First United Pentecostal Church    
7512 Charlotte Pike    
Nashville, TN 37209    
(615) 297-1450  
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Women's Ministry




Welcome to the Women's Ministry of First Church!
Our Women's Ministry offers a myriad of ways to grow deeper in your faith, fellowship with others, outreach, and in your service to the Kingdom of God.

From our Women's Week of Renewal, to our Women and the Word teaching sessions, to the C.A.R.E Ministry, our Holiday Missions fundraiser, to our ongoing Ministry of Prayer, women are receiving direction, extending care, and finding their unique place in the Kingdom of God. Taking our example from the Lord Jesus Christ, Luke 2:52, says that, Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature and in favor with God and man. Jesus patterned growth in these areas: wisdom (intellectual growth), stature (physical growth and health), favor with God (spiritual growth), and favor with man (social growth). We make every effort to ensure that each of our activities has at its center one of these great patterns of growth. Through focusing on these goals we are making a difference in lives.

Ladies Care Ministry
Caring and Responding Effectively

At First Church, caring for others is something about which we feel very strongly. Jesus said that all men would know that we are His disciples if we have love for each other. Solomon said that a friend loves at all times. Whether one is mourning, recovering, relocating, or rejoicing, we sincerely want to fulfill these descriptions of genuine love and care.

Several years ago our Women's Ministry had grown to the place where it was impossible for one to two people to meet the needs of a growing and active group of women. So, with much prayer and thought, the concept of dividing our women into geographic areas with Leaders and Co-Leaders over each group, became a reality. We now have several groups working together throughout Nashville and the surrounding communities.

The objective of the CARE Ministry are:
1. to promote closer relationships
2. to warmly include newcomers into the church family
3. to be aware of and stand ready to help during times of special needs or crisis
4. to help with church projects and maintenance
5. to assists with promotion of the Total Women's Ministry program . . . serve as Women's Ministry committee member

God has greatly blessed our efforts to reach out to others and touch their lives in a real and practical way. We anticipate greater things to come as we endeavor to do His will . . .Caring and Responding Effectively!!

Note: If you have become disconnected from your Care Group and would like to become more involved; or if you are new to First Church and are unsure of which group you are in or who your Care Leader is, please email your questions, or you can call the church office (297-1450) for further information.

Women and the Word

Women and the Word is not just a class, it is becoming an entire Ministry at First Church. We are dedicated to equipping women with biblical principles and practical tools, encouraging and challenging them to pattern their lives not after the world but after the Word of God.

There is one thing that most women have in common - not enough hours in a day. So, our Women and the Word sessions are usually scheduled on a Saturday once a quarter from 10-11:15 a.m.  Sometimes we do reschedule, so be sure and check our event calendar on the home page for the next meeting.  We meet in the Activity Center for great fellowship, refreshments, teaching and discussion. Every lady is encouraged to attend, and please invite your friends to join us!


Tapestry Prayer Ministry

Tapestry Mission Statement
Our mission is that we may as Godly women, be woven into a tapestry of love, in daily intercessory prayer on behalf of Sis. Cheryl Becton, her family, her partnership with Pastor Becton in God's service, and Fist Church.

This focused prayer from committed women will raise the level of depth in anointing of spiritual leadership. As a result, God's transforming love will become our eternal common thread and there will be greater liberty for the convicting power of the Spirit and development of this congregation beyond its present level. It will also expand our capacity for powerful end time revival!

If you would like more information concerning Tapestry Prayer Ministry, or would like to become a Prayer Partner with our Pastor's Wife, please contact our coordinator, Mary Fox by calling the church office (297-1450) or by email.


Annual Holiday Flea Market

Sponsored by the Women's Ministry of First Church, and through the work of many volunteers and the patronage of thousands of shoppers, the Foreign and Home missionaries, families in crisis, and our homeless neighbors are blessed each year with funds raised during this annual event. Click below for more details and to view the most current information and dates, held the weekend before Thanksgiving each year.

Christmas Village/ Holiday Flea Market INFO

Annual Women's Week of Renewal Information

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