2014Women’s Week of Renewal
February 19-20, 2014
Friendship night - Thursday, Feb. 20
Invest, Enter, Enjoy!
Care Leaders Training & Appreciation: Not only will we pause to say “Thank you” to the ladies who do so much to Invest in the lives of others, we will look at new ways to more effectively minister to the felt needs of those in our church and community. (Date will be sent to Care Leaders.)
Special Service, Wednesday night,
February 19, 7:00 PM
Guest Speaker, Donna Linville
Don’t miss this inspirational night. Sis. Linville’s walk with the Lord and inimitable humor allow her to encourage you to Enter into His Presence and seek the Lord in fresh ways.
Friendship Night, Thursday,
February 20, 7 PM: Activity Center
You do not want to miss our 31st Annual Friendship Night! Our Women’s Week of Renewal always culminates with this wonderful evening of good cheer, specifically designed to help us celebrate and give thanks for our friends. As always there will be great food & fellowship, charming décor, funny skits, and “dressing up.” For those who may be new to First Church, we would like to explain this – each year, on Friendship Night, we choose a theme to carry out the joy of the evening and we do this through the décor, our attire and in the fun presentations – we promise it will be an unforgettable night! This year, our theme is “Childhood Memories, Childhood Dreams”.
Special Guests: “Max & Ethel”
Proverbs states that, “A friend loveth at all times,” and
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” We agree!
February, 2013 Brochure below

First United Pentecostal Church 7512 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN