First United Pentecostal Church    
7512 Charlotte Pike    
Nashville, TN 37209    
(615) 297-1450  
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Vision Student Ministries



Vision Mission Statement                                                                                                           VISIT OUR VISION WEBSITE!
"Where there is no VISION, the people perish . . ." (Proverbs 29:18)                                         VISIONSTUDENTMINISTRIES.ORG
Reach. Connect. Grow. Discover. Celebrate.

Vision Sunday Class
9:45 a.m.

The Sunday Morning youth class meets in the Vision Room and consists of Jr. High and Sr. High students. Light refreshments are served before the 25-minute teaching lesson. Each lesson is geared specifically to meet the needs of today's teenagers. It is not uncommon for the Youth Pastor (and other Leaders) to spend 3-4 weeks on certain subjects.

Vision Wednesday Service
7:00 p.m.

Wednesday night youth services take place in the Vision Room. Jr. High, Sr. High, and College students meet for an energetic time of worship and relevant teaching. Our Wednesday services aim to do 3 things:

1. Reach OUT through EVANGELISM: We love seeing new students come to Christ!
2. Reach IN through DISCIPLESHIP: Each week students will hear life-changing biblical truths presented in a creative way that they can relate with.
3. Reach UP through WORSHIP: One of the most exciting things about Wednesday nights is seeing the Vision Room full of students reaching up to God through worship.


Reverb Class
Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

This class is designed for 18-26 year olds and is directed by Blake Tidwell.

The S.W.A.T. Team
Serving With Anointed Tactics

Our S.W.A.T. team consists of outstanding Vision students who participate in various tactics . . . puppets, dowel rods, child evangelism and more . . . here and in other churches. If you haven't seem them yet, make sure you don't miss them next time! Special thanks to Doug and Lori Long who direct these students and make this ministry possible.


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