to Morning Grief Recovery
Hope for the journey through grief.
Someone you love has died. You are now faced
with the difficult, but important, need to mourn. Mourning
is not a weakness nor absence of faith. It is the most intense
process that most people ever go through. It is as natural
as crying when you are hurt, eating when you are hungry, or
sleeping when you are tired. Mourning is natures way of healing
a broken heart.
The Mourning to Morning Ministry provides a
warm atmosphere of caring acceptance and confidentiality where
the grieving can find support, understanding, and friendship
to help reshape their lives at a time when they barely have
the energy to live day by day. At Mourning to Morning, you'll
find helpful information and literature, individual and group
counseling, and social interaction with others who are also
experiencing loss. Mourning to Morning offers a quiet place
of help and hope . . . a place for you. Be assured that by
the grace of God and the caring support from understanding
friends, you too can make the journey from Mourning to Morning.
Grief is the price you pay for love. Grief is defined by Webster
as “intense emotional suffering caused by loss or deep
sorrow. “ To experience it and not know what to expect
or how you should feel makes the experience much worse. Like
fingerprints, the experiences of grief are as individual as
the one who is grieving. Don’t try to compare your experience
to that of someone else. Give yourself permission to grieve
and time to heal. Grief has no respect for clocks or calendars.
You can make it if you fact it one day at a time.
Expect to feel a multitude of emotions. Grief is a process,
not an event. Experiencing grief affects your head, your heart,
your spirit and your body. Confusion, anger, fear, guilt,
loneliness, relief and depression are just a few of the many
emotions you may feel. As strange as it may seem, these emotions
are a normal and healthy response to the death of a loved
one. Resolving grief takes longer than people expect. The
only cure for grief is to grieve.
Ignoring your grief won’t make it go away. Reach out
to others who will understand your feelings and allow you
to talk about them. Find caring friends who will listen without
judging. Avoid persons who are critical or who try to steal
your grief from you. You have a right to feel and express
your grief; no one has the right to take it away.
Grief does not end with the funeral. It is a continuing, natural
expression of love for the person who has died. Treasure the
memories of your loved one for they are a lasting part of
the relationship you had with that very special person.
The death of a loved one changes your life forever. It’s
not that you won’t be happy again. It’s simply
that you will never be exactly the same as before. Be patient
and tolerant with yourself. The experience of grief is powerful.
So, too, is your ability to help yourself heal. In grieving,
you are moving toward a renewed sense of meaning and purpose
in your life, toward a new morning.
There is comfort and insight gained through spending time
with others who have experienced a similar experience. The
most helpful thing you can do during this difficult time is
to become involved with a support group. Sharing eases loneliness
and allows for the expression of your grief in an atmosphere
of acceptance and understanding. Mourning to Morning provides
this vital resource for the bereaved and their families.
A Word of Appreciation
Allowing us to serve you is an honor, and our concern does
not end after the funeral. Our desire is to offer you the
care and continued support that you will need during this
difficult time. In appreciation for the opportunity to serve
you, and as a continuing courtesy, we are proud to offer to
you and your family, the resources of Mourning to Morning.
Call for next scheduled MEETING times. The last set of meetings were at
West Harpeth Funeral Home is located at 6962 Charltote Pike, Nashville, TN 37209 Phone: 615-352-9400
There is no charge for attending these meetings.

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