First United Pentecostal Church    
7512 Charlotte Pike    
Nashville, TN 37209    
(615) 297-1450  
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Men's Ministry

                                                     NASHVILLE MEN'S CONFERENCE- August 15-16, 2014



When looking at virtually every problem in America today, at the root you will find the failure of men. Studies and research show that over 90% of prisoners are male and that there is an alarming increase in the number of fatherless homes. There are 98,000,000 men in the United States. Only 35,000,000 claim to know the Lord in some way.

At First Church, we believe in building strong men. Why? Because strong men build strong families. And, strong families build strong churches. We believe that at the heart of every man, there is a desire not to fail, but to succeed. Our mission as a Mens Ministry is to train and support men for success (in the home, the workplace, and in Christian service).

By providing opportunities for fellowship and discipleship, we are making a difference in mens' lives.

Ministry Development Team

For those who feel a calling to ministry, our Pastor leads a Ministry Development Class, which takes place the second and fourth Sundays of each month. These practical teaching sessions are designed to equip aspiring ministers as they pursue Gods calling on their lives. For more information about Ministry Development, please contact Pastor Becton during office hours at (615) 297-1450.

Pastors Prayer Team

Every man is encouraged to join the Pastors Prayer Team. Each man is assigned a specific day of the month to pray for our Pastor and Ministry Team. This group also meets one Saturday (quarterly) for a special Prayer Breakfast with Pastor Becton. For more information, please contact our Pastors Prayer Coordinator, Rev. Larry Stanfill at (615) 352-0369.

Sunday Evening Mens Prayer

The men of First Church meet for a time of united prayer each Sunday from 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (in the Asian Church).

Mens Fishing Trip

In addition to our various weekly and monthly activites for men, the Mens Ministry also takes an annual deep sea fishing trip (every May). This two-day trip to Destin, Florida is always a fantastic time of fellowship. For information on dates and registration, please contact the church office at (615) 297-1450.

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